To our 2023 Studio Art Graduates:
Well, here we are at the end of another academic year, and a new class of BFAs head into the world. That is a good thing. In a world that sometimes feels as though there are only narrow views, these exceptional humans continue the important work that artists have done in societies for thousands of years. They show us other possibilities, other perspectives, nuances, and in doing so, they help our society to grow and evolve towards a better tomorrow—a tomorrow that is compassionate, inclusive, thoughtful, and civil. Let me rephrase, this group going into the world on their artistic journey is not a good thing, it’s a great thing, a needed thing.
In one way, this year is no different from the past years in that it is always a gift for me to be on a portion of the journey with each of my students. Each student in this year’s class carries thoughtfulness, creativity, conviction, and a desire to contribute to our collective good—to contribute as a gesture or investment in the future. This notion reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend a while back who shared with me a powerful quote by the incomparable Maya Angelou.
“This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before.”
Of course, it’s no surprise that Angelou could sum up so concisely some of the most important lessons I could hope to convey to my students in our time together. Stay open, allow yourself to be amazed, foster your wonderment for the world. These efforts will allow you to see new days, days you have never seen before. It is with that freshness of perspective that you will teach us through your art. It can be a challenge at times, for sure, but you are powerful in your ability to see, think critically, process, and respond.
To the viewer of this website, I hope you enjoy reviewing the work of these new BFAs. In the following pages you will find reproductions of their art, their writings, and links to other sites and platforms to further learn about their work.
On behalf of the Department of Art and Design at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, I’ll close by saying how truly proud we all are of you and your work, and we wish you all the success we know you will achieve. Go on, and look for the new days. We’ll be waiting to see your response.
- Michael Behle
Associate Chairperson
Department of Art and Design at UMSL
Senior Seminar 2023, faculty member