artist statement
With my work, I strive to explore a variety of themes such as mental health, death, and time. Recently, my primary medium has been acrylic paint. Much of my work is focused on mark making and testing the boundaries of the brush or palette knife. With mental health being my primary subject, I have been working based on my own experiences with borderline personality disorder. Disassociation and mania are common themes in these works. Because of this, most pieces are abstract in nature. I am currently working on developing these subjects in new ways, primarily with color. Working with color is very new to me, and I am looking forward to expanding both my understanding of it and my relationship to it.

Daisy Pryer is 23 year-old American artist born in Saint Louis, Missouri. She graduated from Saint Louis Community College in 2020 with an associate in general fine arts and will graduate from the University of Missouri- Saint Louis with a bachelor’s degree in studio art in 2023. Her recent work focuses on abstraction and color. Earlier works are typically charcoal or ink-wash drawings, figures, and portraits. Daisy hopes to get a master’s in art therapy, or find a new way to help other people using art.

Untitled 1 (Mauve), acrylic on canvas, 16” x 20”

Untitled 1 (Mauve), detail

Untitled 2 (Purple), acrylic on canvas, 24” x 24

Untitled 3 (Pink), acrylic on canvas, 36” x 24”

Untitled 3 (Pink), detail


Olivia Obi


Ben Schellhardt