artist statement 
I ask myself, what exactly is art? Art, in my words, is the eternal definition of what buildings or landscapes look like, let alone a mere stick figure on a piece of paper, or even the way that a person’s hands look in a certain light. As French impressionist artist Edgar Degas once noted “Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.” And the way that I want to make others view my art is by the usage of detail and expository elements within the composition, such as lightning, energy, or even indiscriminate movement. 

I want for individuals to judge not by how the artwork looks, but the number of highlights that they can see within their viewpoint, which ties into my personal answer towards the question I asked earlier about art. Although the question can have an infinite number of answers, it falls to the response of the individual about what exactlycan stand out to both them and for others as well. With my art, I hope to portray my messages of beauty and precision within my composition, and not solely just for the sake of gaining fame or wealth, but more so with my definitions of my answer of what art can be, and the limitless possibilities that can be achieved for the future, even through a mere pencil.

Jorden Hendree was born in December 1999, in Saint Louis, Missouri, and has always had an interest in the arts and crafts since his youth. Originally, he wanted to address his own personal concepts of what art is to him, but now he has branched out into several fields of his interest and utilized the love of his hobbies into his artwork. His plans for the future, art wise, is to explain in his own words the quality of beauty and definition to a larger audience. He has received education from the University of Missouri in Saint Louis, graduating with his Bachelor’s in Fine Arts in December of 2022.

contact information

Origin 1.0, Yuzuru Hanyu, digital (Procreate), 2048 x 2732 px, 12.9”

Origin 2.0, Yuzuru Hanyu, digital (Procreate), 2048 x 2732 px, 12.9”

Hope and Legacy, Yuzuru Hanyu, digital (Procreate), 2048 x 2732 px, 12.9”

In Memoriam, Kamila Valieva, digital (Procreate), 2048 x 2732 px, 12.9”

Viktor Drago, Ultra Instinct, digital (Procreate), 2048 x 2732 px, 12.9”

Myself, Super Sayian, digital (Procreate), 2048 x 2732 px, 12.9”


Kevin Gill


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